Mais qu’est ce qui se passe sur cette foutue planète!

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C’est à rendre fou!

Je sais que mon article Le message de la mort qui tue est la vérité parce que j’exprime que dans le fond j’en sais rien, et c’est la vérité que j’en sais rien. Et quand vous lisez COMPLOTS MONDIAL, DELIRES, VRAIMENT ?, c’est vrai aussi! Mais comment interpréter tout cette complexité?!

En fait ça se tient grave, que Skull & Bones, ou l’Ordre de Yale, est en fait l’ordre des Illuminati en amérique, selon Sutton,

Antony Sutton avait donc pénétré bien des secrets du « Gouvernement Occulte du Monde ». Mais aussi bizarre que cela puisse paraître, il n’était pas satisfait à cent pour cent. Après 16 livres et 25 ans de recherches fondamentales, il pensait avoir tout vu, que le monde n’était finalement que le règne de la confusion à l’état pur, au-delà de toute intelligibilité, éloigné de toute notion de salut et qu’il n’y pouvait malheureusement pas grand chose… En 1968 il se rappelait avoir fait publier par la Hoover Institution, à l’Université Stanford, ses volumes sur Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development.

En 3 volumes substantiels il avait expliqué, « en long, en large et en travers » comment l’Occident avait édifié l’Union Soviétique. Toutefois ce travail suscitait des interrogations en apparence insolubles: pourquoi avait-on fait cela ? Pourquoi avait-on édifié l’Union Soviétique et opéré à de nombreuses reprises des transferts de technologie à destination de l’Allemagne hitlérienne ? Pourquoi à Washington voulait-on occulter ces faits ? Pourquoi avait-on renforcé la puissance militaire soviétique et simultanément la nôtre ? Dans des ouvrages ultérieurs — la série des Wall Street — A. Sutton avait accumulé d’autres questions, mais n’avait toujours pas apporté de réponse à ses interrogations profondes. Il était arrivé plus ou moins à la conclusion qu’aucune réponse rationnelle ne pouvait le satisfaire pleinement. C’est alors, qu’en 1982, il reçut une liasse de documents d’une vingtaine de centimètres d’épaisseur ! Rien moins que des listes de membres d’une Société Secrète Américaine. Et quelle société secrète!

Au fur et à mesure que les pages défilaient, il devenait de plus en plus évident qu’il ne s’agissait pas de n’importe quel groupe. Les noms étaient synonymes de Pouvoir avec un grand P. Tandis qu’il contrôlait l’identité de chacun de ses membres émergeait une construction étonnante, et ce qui constituait auparavant un monde flou devenait clair comme du cristal… Cette société secrète qui avait pour emblème un crâne et des tibias entrecroisés (« Skull & Bones ») n’était rien d’autre que l’ « Ordre de Yale », l’Ordre des Illuminés de Bavière en sa descendance, ayant pour quartier général l’Université de Yale.

Je pense sincèrement que A.C. Sutton détenait la vérité du gouvernement secret, et comme je n’ai jamais lu Sutton, eh bien je vais devoir m’y mettre, car je ne supporte pas ne pas savoir ce qui se passe. Mon article comme quoi les athées sont la cause des problèmes dans le monde est réel, j’y crois profondément et c’est le cas, d’un point de vu large, on est tous les mêmes, on ressemble à nos dirigeants, et si on était à leur place je doute qu’on ferait mieux qu’eux.

Mais il y a vraiment un gouvernement secret qui se montre petit à petit au jour, qui a financé la révolution bolchévik parce que le Tsar de Russie refusait de créer une banque centrale. On sait que la BCE refuse de prêter de l’argent aux états membres, on sait que la Réserve Fédérale est contrôlée par un petit groupe de gens, on sait que ce sont toujours les mêmes personnes qui reviennent dans la haute finance internationale. Et qu’ils ont pour projet de créer un nouvel ordre mondial.

Ce nouvel ordre mondial, je ne sais pas ce qu’il sera, je ne sais pas pourquoi les dirigeants secrets font ce qu’ils font, et je ne pense pas que ça soit totalement purement pour leurs propres intérêts, je suis convaincu au fond de moi, qu’ils ne sont pas entièrement mauvais, car sinon nous n’aurions pas tout ce que nous avons, mais qu’ils peuvent faire des erreurs, et que le nouvel ordre mondial est peut être un moyen de corriger les erreurs, c’est à dire NOUS. Ils ont profité de nous, maintenant ils vont se débarrasser de nous, ça parait fantasmique mais c’est peut être la réalité qui sait.

Il faut vraiment bien faire la part des choses. Je ne peux pas faire la part des choses car je ne sais pas, et je vais donc m’empresser de lire les ouvrages de Sutton, et une fois que j’aurais fini et que j’aurais bien digéré la chose, peut être que je ferais un article dessus. Mais personnellement c’est beaucoup trop compliqué à mon goût et je me demande sincèrement si jamais je saurais la vérité.

Le projet des Illuminati était d’apporter la démocratie dans le monde, et d’émanciper les femmes (ce qu’ont fait les Rockefeller, voir le reportage de Aaron Russo). Donc il y a vraiment, mais alors vraiment un projet de conquête du monde ici. Mais pourquoi exterminer le moyen orient et les sionistes, pourquoi financer les nazis et les communistes, pourquoi faire tout ça? La création de l’ONU? Merci à Hitler, sans lui l’ONU, la charte de l’atlantique de Roosevelt et l’OTAN ne seraient jamais nés. Et on voit bien que les Américains et les Anglais sont main dans la main, même on peut dire, l’Union Européenne et les Etats Unis sont là à vouloir imposer leur vision de ce que le monde devrait être.

Vous réalisez à quel point c’est compliqué?? Vous réalisez que c’est pas en lisant sur quelques sites internet que ce sont les illuminati et l’antéchrist qui dirigent le monde qu’il faut arrêté de chercher. Le plus on sait le moins on sait! Mais je ne changerais pas d’avis dans un sens, je sais que SI nous étions responsables et si nous avions la volonté de devenir de meilleurs individus, nous ne serions pas dans cette tourbe, et peut être que c’est une méga coïncidence, mais internet permet de relativiser la chose, et de découvrir des informations complètement affolantes et hallucinantes. Il va falloir revoir tout de A à Z et cette fois en lisant les ouvrages des auteurs comme Sutton, pas en lisant des sites internet.

Il va falloir que je devienne pro du nouvel ordre mondial si je ne veux pas finir ignorant. Donc C’est reparti, je recommence, faut tout revoir de A à Z encore et encore… C’est sans fin c’est pas pensable. Je dis grand merci à plein d’auteurs comme Sutton, Billington, pour avoir essayé de nous expliquer tout ça.

La seule approche possible pour ne pas perdre la boule, est de ne pas tirer des conclusions trop rapidement, et de ne pas être émotionnellement perturbé quand on lit ces informations là. Ca fait 4 ans bientôt que je suis dans le domaine, et j’en sais moins que quand j’ai commencé j’ai l’impression. Bref je pourrais parler de combien je sais rien pour l’éternité, alors je bouge mon gros cul plein de graisse et je vais lire Sutton.

Mais c’est délirant, Sutton dit,

Tous les pays du monde sont tenus par les « Banques Centrales » ([20]) où dans certains pays (comme la France) des « familles » se cooptent de siècle en siècle pour exercer un pouvoir réservé à une élite très spéciale. Rappelons pour mémoire que la « Révolution Russe de 1917? fut décidée, entre autres, parce que le Tsar refusait la création d’une Banque Centrale en Russie. Un tel affront vis à vis des « maîtres du monde » ne pardonne pas. En publiant ce dernier ouvrage — qui reprenait en fait le titre exact d’un excellent volume publié dans les années 50 par Eustace Mullins, cité par William Carr dans Des Pions — Antony Sutton désirait attirer l’attention sur les comploteurs qui vont provoquer la 3e Guerre Mondiale grâce à l’étincelle du « Proche-Orient », conflit majeur qui verra la destruction simultanée du sionisme et du monde musulman telle qu’annoncée dans la fameuse lettre de Pike à Mazzini en 1870-71.

Je n’ai qu’un truc à dire: W T F ? Pourquoi aider un parti politique comme le sionisme et ensuite le détruire?! Pourquoi??? Il est où le délire?! Qu’est ce qu’ils ont fait les juifs pour en chier à ce point dans la vie? Et pourquoi le moyen orient, qu’est ce que le moyen orient a fait? Ils sont trop pauvres et ont aucun contrôle sur rien, ils veulent faire leur gouvernement mondial là bas où quoi? A Jérusalem? L’Armageddon va se passer en Israël et au moyen orient? Et quelle est cette fameuse lettre de Pike à Mazzini,


Source: Albert Pike et le plan luciférien de gouvernement mondial

“ Cette lettre du 15.08.1871 fut révélée par le Commodore William (1895-1959) dans son livre « Pawns in the Game » (« Des Pions sur l’Échiquier », Éd. Canadienne éditée en 1954 par la « National Federation of Christian Laymen »). Cet officier de marine canadien faisait partie de l’équipe formée par l’amiral britannique Sir Barry Domville, ancien chef de la « Naval Intelligence », retraité en 1936 et plus tard incarcéré par W. Churchill comme antibelliciste. […]

“ … mais des deux défaites subies par la France, la militaire et sociale, profiteront à la fois les financiers cosmopolites et les disciples de Karl Marx, tandis que les promoteurs du « World Revolutionary » mouvement, Giuseppe Mazzini et son homologue nord-américain, le général Albert Pike [1809-1891], dans leur lettre du 15.08.1871, traitent du schéma « Crise, Guerre, Révolution » des 3 guerres mondiales suivies des 3 grandes révolutions qui doivent marquer le XXe siècle. A. Pike, 33e degré, grand commandeur du Rite écossais du Sud, fonda sa propre obédience luciférienne : le « New Reformed Palladian Rite » destiné à appuyer le Mouvement Révolutionnaire Mondial (cf. Jean Lombard, « La face cachée de l’Histoire moderne », pp. 552-554, 1984, et les pages 555-556 du tome 2 de l’éd. espagnole). ”

“ La Première Guerre Mondiale devait permettre aux Illuminati de renverser le pouvoir des Tsars en Russie et de transformer ce pays par la mainmise du Communisme athée. Les divergences « naturelles », attisées par les Agents des Illuminati entre les Empires Britannique et Allemand devaient servir à fomenter cette guerre. Le conflit terminé, le Communisme devait se constituer et être utilisé pour détruire les autres gouvernements et affaiblir les religions.

“ La Deuxième Guerre Mondiale devait être fomentée en jouant sur les divergences entre Fascistes et Sionistes Politiques. Cette guerre devait permettre la destruction du Nazisme et accroître la puissance du Sionisme Politique de façon à ce que l’Etat souverain d’Israël put s’établir en Palestine. Pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale, la puissance du Communisme International devait arriver au niveau de celle de la Chrétienté tout entière. Arrivé à ce point, il devait être contenu et mis en réserve jusqu’à son utilisation pour le dernier cataclysme social.

“ Quelle personne informée pourrait nier que Roosevelt et ChurchilL ont réalisé cette politique ?

“ La Troisième Guerre mondiale doit être fomentée en utilisant les divergences que les agents des Illuminati attiseront entre les Sionistes Politiques et les dirigeants du monde musulman. La guerre doit être menée de telle manière que l’Islam (le monde Arabe y compris la religion de Mahomet) et le Sionisme Politique (y compris l’Etat d’Israël) se détruisent mutuellement. Dans le même temps, les autres nations une fois de plus divisées entre elles à ce propos, seront forcées de se combattre jusqu’à un état d’épuisement complet, physique, moral, spirituel et économique.

“ Quelle personne impartiale et raisonnable pourrait nier que les intrigues en cours au Proche, au Moyen Orient et à l’Extrême Orient ne préparent pas la réalisation de ce dessein infernal ?

“ Le 15 août 1871, Pike disait à Mazzini qu’après la Troisième Guerre Mondiale, ceux qui aspirent à dominer le monde sans conteste provoqueront le plus grand cataclysme social que le monde ait jamais connu. Nous citons ses propres termes empruntés à la lettre cataloguée au British Museum Library à Londres : ”

« Nous lâcherons les Nihilistes et les Athées et nous provoqueront un formidable cataclysme social qui, dans toute son horreur, montrera clairement aux nations les effets d’un athéisme absolu, origine de la sauvagerie et du plus sanglant chambardement. Puis tous les citoyens, obligés de se défendre eux-mêmes contre la minorité révolutionnaire mondiale, extermineront les démolisseurs de la civilisation, et les masses déçues par la chrétienté dont les esprit déistes seront à partir de ce moment sans boussole, à la recherche d’un idéal, sans savoir vers quoi tourner son adoration, recevront la vraie lumière grâce à la manifestation universelle de la pure doctrine de Lucifer, enfin révélée aux yeux de tous, manifestation qui suivra la destruction de la chrétienté et de l’athéisme, simultanément soumis et exterminés en même temps. »

Mais c’est réel alors, c’est réel les gars! Ils veulent provoquer un cataclysme et niquer les athées et les nihilistes et les chrétiens! Et imposer une doctrine luciférienne (Avant de partir en live, LUCIFER n’est pas démoniaque, c’est le porteur de lumière rien d’autre). Mais c’est horrible! C’est vraiment le seul moyen qu’ils ont pour nous « aider » et nous « apporter l’illumination » en exterminant l’église diabolique catholique et les athées débiles mentaux, et tous les nihilistes qui croient en rien?! C’est vraiment leur projet?? Mais on peut y arriver différemment, laissez nous un peu plus de temps s’il vous plait, je suis persuadé que les gens comprendront tout ça d’eux mêmes, on est pas obligé de rentrer dans un super conflit mondial comme ça!!! Non on peut y arriver par nous même. Si ces gens qui détiennent le pouvoir lisent cet article, je vous en prie, LAISSEZ NOUS ENCORE UN PEU DE TEMPS ON PEUT VRAIMENT Y ARRIVER, ON PEUT DEVENIR DE BONS HUMAINS ET VOUS NE SEREZ PAS OBLIGES DE NOUS MASSACRER A CAUSE DE NOTRE IGNORANCE. Ayez confiance en la race humaine bordel, ce n’est pas la solution que de provoquer un conflit mondial pour apporter une solution, on peut le faire, on peut y arriver, la troisième guerre mondiale va annihiler tous les efforts philosophiques qui ont été fait jusqu’ici. Non je ne peux pas le croire, ce n’est pas possible. Vraiment là j’ai encore plus de mal à comprendre. Mon Dieu on va tous devenir fou.


On est manipulé de A à Z ah ah ah (rire hystérique)… Je ne sais même plus quoi penser. J’arrête le délire, tirez vos conclusions par vous même et préparez vous au carnage, car je ne pense pas que les musulmans et les sionistes vont faire la paix, donc… C’est inévitable… La fin de l’ancien ordre mondial est pour bientôt :( … Mon dieu mais nan, mais nan, NON. ARRETEZ TOUT DE SUITE VOS ARTICLES ANTI MUSULMANS ET ANTI SIONISTES, C’EST JOUER LEUR JEU, ILS VEULENT PROVOQUER LA HAINE DE PARTOUT POUR PROVOQUER LA TROISIEME GUERRE MONDIALE AU MOYEN ORIENT, ET C’EST A CAUSE DES ANTI SIONISTES ET ANTI MUSULMANS QUE TOUT CA EST POSSIBLE! STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP

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<br /> wo years ago, the conventional wisdom was that Al Gore was a squeaky clean, if dull policy wonk who would be a shoo-in to succeed Clinton in a country weary of Bill's various scandals. Now, after 2<br /> years of almost continuous scandals of his own -- most concerning his relentless fundraising activities -- it was a major break for Prince Albert when his own party's Attorney General decided not<br /> to sic a special prosecutor on him. Here's the real question: is Al Gore corrupt compared to other politicians? Or is he just a run of the mill hack?<br /> <br /> One thing is, like several of this year's candidates (notably George W. Bush), Gore has grown up in that protected, distorted world of wealth and privilege that makes it so difficult for him to<br /> understand normal people and normal life. That's not a "scandal", really, but it makes it hard to be sure how he will react ina crisis, and that is the most important role our president's have.<br /> <br /> Click on the allegation of your choice:<br /> <br /> <br /> -- Money Money Money<br /> -- --- A Nasty Bunch of Characters<br /> -- --- Illegal fundraising in a Buddhist temple (and weaseling about it)<br /> -- ---Illegal fundraising phone calls from his office<br /> -- Drug use<br /> -- Hypocrisy on tobacco<br /> -- Environmental Trendiness (and Hypocrisy)<br /> -- Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire (Creating the Internet, etc.)<br /> -- Tipper, the chipper rock 'n roll wife<br /> -- Quotes<br /> -- Sources<br /> <br /> <br /> Quotes<br /> <br /> "He goes 'I'm a really big fan.' And I was like 'Yeah, right. Name a song, Al.' The answer came limply back: 'I can't name a song, I'm just a really big fan.'" - Courtney Love of the rock band<br /> "Hole"<br /> "Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've chopped it. I've shredded<br /> it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it." -- Al Gore, 1988<br /> <br /> "Sometimes, you never fully face up to things that you ought to face up to." -- Al Gore, discussing tobacco<br /> <br /> <br /> -- Quote Sources<br /> <br /> <br /> Tobacco Hypocrisy<br /> <br /> At the Democratic national convention in 1996, Gore gaving a moving speech about his only sister's painful death from lung cancer. And since then he has pushed the administration's aggressive<br /> anti-smoking campaign.<br /> <br /> What Gore didn't mention is that he grew up on a tobacco farm, worked on it, and continued to accept checks from that farm for years after his sister died. In 1988, while running for president, he<br /> defended tobacco farmers while campaigning in Southern tobacco states (and made the quote up above: 'I've raised tobacco ... I've shredded it, spiked it,... and sold it.') He accepted contributions<br /> from tobacco companies as late as 1990.<br /> <br /> Gore claimed that "emotional numbness" led him to defend and profit from the tobacco industry. "Sometimes, you never fully face up to things that you ought to face up to."<br /> <br /> Gore himself smoked during college. "Peer pressure played a factor," he said, "stress in college." We should have guessed that the guy who said "Tobacco addiction ... is just as powerful of an<br /> addiction as heroin or crack addiction" was an ex-smoker.<br /> <br /> -- Tobacco Sources<br /> <br /> <br /> Money, Money, Money<br /> <br /> <br /> Fundraising Cronies: A Nasty Bunch of Characters<br /> <br /> Even more than Bill Clinton, Al Gore has been a money raising machine (though nothing quite like George W. Bush). In one memo, Gore bragged "I did three events this week which were projected to<br /> raise $650,000 and ... actually raised $800,000. Tipper and I were supposed to do $1.1 million, and it looks like we will be closer to $1.3 million." Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward estimates<br /> that Gore and his network raised fully $40 million of the Democratic National Committee's $180 million total in 1995 and 1996.<br /> <br /> In the process, Gore has been kissing up to a lot of characters with checkered pasts (and/or convictions.) Frankly, whether Gore made phone calls from his office is piddly business. But spending<br /> time with accused or convicted criminals if they have money to give is a much more serious concern for a potential president.<br /> <br /> Here are some of Al's business associates:<br /> <br /> convicted cocaine smuggler Jose Cabrera<br /> Howard Glicken, who admitted soliciting and laundering foreign campaign contributions<br /> Franklin Haney, indicted for illegal campaign contributions<br /> <br /> Jose Cabrera, convicted cocaine smuggler<br /> <br /> Jose "Gordito" Cabrera is serving 19 years in prison for smuggling cocaine; he was caught in January 1996 with 3 tons of Cali cartel cocaine and (maybe worse from Gore's point of view) boxes of<br /> smuggled Cuban cigars. Earlier, he pled guilty to conspiracy to bribe a witness in a drug investigation (in 1983) and to income tax evasion in connection with another drug investigation (in 1988).<br /> He served 3 and a half years in prison on the first charge, just a year on the second.<br /> In 1995, in between these convictions and guilty pleas, Cabrera was getting his picture taken with Al Gore at a Florida campaign event, and posing with Hillary Clinton in front of the White House<br /> Christmas tree. White House visitors routinely get a background check, which should have turned up his record. When the Miami Herald broke the story of Cabrera's convictions, the Democratic<br /> National Committee returned Cabrera's $20,000 donation (made in 1995), but the Justice Department refused to release the photos of Gordito with Gore and Hillary -- found in the drug raid that<br /> yielded the coke and cigars -- until pressured by Republicans.<br /> <br /> <br /> Howard Glicken, illegal campaign fundraiser<br /> <br /> Howard Glicken, a long-time fundraiser for Al Gore, is awaiting sentencing on his negotiated plea bargain for illegal fund raising. He raised $2 million for Clinton-Gore and the DNC in 1996, and<br /> owns 2 Jaguars with the vanity plates "Gore1" and "Gore2."<br /> Glicken owns a company that brokers deals between U.S. and Latin American companies, and is not shy to use his political connections to help his work. In 1996, Glicken showed up at a Florida<br /> fundraiser, muscled 4 South American clients into it and introduced them to President Clinton and Mack McLarty, Clinton's top adviser on Latin America. Party officials tried to keep them out, but<br /> according to the Wall Street Journal, Glicken "raised a stink", saying "I raised all this money; I can bring in anybody I want." Glicken was given a coveted seat on a Commerce Department trade<br /> mission to South America in 1994. He has been hosted by the U.S. ambassadors in Argentina and Chile, and received help from the Argentine Embassy even after he pled guilty to soliciting foreign<br /> campaign contributions.<br /> <br /> Glicken had some rough patches in his pre-Gore career. He headed the precious-metals trading division of Capital Bank in Miami, but was forced to leave in 1983 after splitting a $90,000 commission<br /> that the bank considered a kickback with his friend, Harry Falk. The commission was for helping arrange Capital Bank financing of the sale of $900,000 in Piaget watches.<br /> <br /> Glicken then founded his own precious-metals trading company in Miami with Falk. Falk and the 6-man company itself were indicted in 1991 for laundering drug money. Glicken was not charged, but his<br /> company agreed to pay $375,000 to settle the charges, and Glicken testified against Falk in 1995 under a grant of limited immunity.<br /> <br /> Franklin Haney, indicted for illegal campaign contributions<br /> <br /> This Tennessee real estate developer and longtime Gore fundraiser was trying to get the FCC to move its headquarters to a development of his called "The Portals." He was also a guest on Air Force<br /> One during 1995-6.<br /> Haney was a generous donor. He was indicted in November 1998 for 42 counts of illegal campaign contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign between 1992 and late 1995. More strikingly, he paid a $1<br /> million fee to Peter Knight right before he became the Clinton-Gore campaign manager. Knight also ran Gore's House and Senate offices for years and helped finance his campaigns; Time calls him "the<br /> hub of Gore's political circle." Haney claims that the million bucks was a fee for "advice" on attracting the FCC to the Portals; that must have been some damn good advice. More likely, it was a<br /> contingency fee for delivering the FCC deal, using his Gore connections.<br /> <br /> <br /> -- Fundraising Cronies Sources<br /> <br /> <br /> Illegal Fundraising At a Buddhist Temple (and Weaseling About It Afterwards)<br /> <br /> There were mountains of ink spilled about this episode, but the short story is this: Gore appeared at a Buddhist temple at what was obviously a fundraiser, though technically it was called<br /> something else for legal reasons. The criminal part is that the temple gave monks money to reimburse them for donations to Gore and the Democrats.<br /> <br /> That is illegal of course for the temple, but not the politician unless you can prove that they knew about the reimbursement. No such evidence has popped up, though some of the players from the<br /> Clinton/Gore illegal foreign donations scandal are involved. These darker connections haven't been pinned down yet; given the relatively small amount of money involved, and severe risks of<br /> knowingly arranging for reimbursed donations, it seems unlikely that Gore campaign officials would take the risk..<br /> <br /> The reason this scandal got so much attention was Gore's ridiculous weaseling about it. He claimed that he didn't know it was a fundraiser (when various memos showed that he clearly did) and then<br /> kept changing his story.<br /> <br /> It is similar to Gore's illegal phone calls issue; not necessarily a huge deal by itself, but Gore's response under crisis shows that he learned<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> No wonder the CRU gang ignored Gore. He took their false work and falsified it some more.<br /> Even the Criminals of Climategate Avoid Gore<br /> By Dr. Tim Ball Wednesday, December 16, 2009<br /> <br /> “It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.”—Mark Twain.<br /> <br /> Twain’s observation is precisely the issue with the Nobel Peace Prizes given to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC are now completely discredited because the<br /> ‘scientists’ at the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia controlled the data, the computer models and the press releases officially known as the Summary for Policymakers<br /> (SPM).<br /> <br /> Their prizes were obtained for work deliberately falsified then used for policies that creates unnecessary hardship rather than peace. Equally disgraceful is how one prizewinner, Al Gore, distorted<br /> and falsified the distortions and falsifications of the other prizewinner, the IPCC.<br /> <br /> Gore was already discredited, especially when his carbon footprint was found too big for his mouth. Other discredits include; the millions he made from his misdirection on carbon; failure to answer<br /> questions or participate in debate; character assassination of scientists who raised legitimate questions; the false claim that “the science is settled”, and failure to correct the major errors in<br /> his movie “An Inconvenient Truth”. Gore must have created a major dilemma for the IPCC and CRU.<br /> <br /> A minor dilemma was the contradiction over projected sea level rise. The IPCC 2001 Report said, “Global mean sea level is projected to rise by 0.09 to 0.88 m between the years 1990 and 2100,”. The<br /> 2007 Report raised the lower projection to 0.18 m but significantly lowered the upper limit to 0.59 m. In his ridiculous movie, Gore predicted a 20 ft (6m) rise but gave no time frame. Recently he<br /> made the false statement that the Arctic ice cap is the size of the continental US. Wrong! That is the amount that melts and refreezes every year. Then he said it would be all gone in 5 to 10<br /> years, but ice this year has already recovered what it lost in the last few years.<br /> <br /> Now, in a more bizarre twist, we learn Gore’s claim about the Arctic ice came from another scientist, Dr. Wieslav Maslowski. The professor then claimed Gore misquoted him, but his prediction was<br /> published in a Danish journal.<br /> <br /> The problem is they’re both wrong, but that is the pattern of the climate issue. Lies on lies on lies create the tangled web Sir Walter Scott predicted when you practice deception.<br /> <br /> But Gore doesn’t stop. There are academics and scientists lining up to provide him with more false information. He incorrectly claims Antarctica and Greenland are melting. Maybe he got the<br /> Antarctic idea from the false research produced by some at CRU that Antarctica is warming.<br /> <br /> And he is still at it with incredibly stupid comments. On the Conan O’Brien show of 11/12/09, he said the temperature in the mantle, the deep layer immediately below the crust, is several million<br /> degrees just two kilometers down. This is many times hotter than the Sun. It is truly frightening to think this man was one step away from the Presidency, no wonder Clinton didn’t support his<br /> presidential run.<br /> <br /> The CRU gang had to know what Gore was presenting in his movie and speeches, yet I am unable to find any direct reference to him in their emails. When they occur it is in outsider emails. I am<br /> unaware of any public comments by CRU people about Gore’s work; it appears they studiously avoided him. You must be bad when the criminals avoid you.<br /> <br /> Gore says the emails “don’t change established conclusions.” “These private exchanges between these scientists do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus.”<br /> Well he got that completely wrong too but it’s not surprising because he misinterpreted their original work. Maybe he is relying on another academic source. Trevor Davis, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of<br /> Research at the University of East Anglia says, “There is nothing in the stolen material which indicates that peer-reviewed publications by CRU, and others, on the nature of global warming and<br /> related climate change are not of the highest-quality of scientific investigation and interpretation. CRU’s peer-reviewed publications are consistent with, and have contributed to, the overwhelming<br /> scientific consensus that the climate is being strongly influenced by human activity.”<br /> <br /> What planet is this Davis on? Besides the clear evidence of criminality there is also the deliberate falsification of the science and perversion of the scientific publication and peer review<br /> process. His statement shows a complete lack of understanding of the email content and climate science. Like Watergate the problems of Climategate are compounded by the cover-up and nobody does it<br /> better than universities. Davis began with his condemnation of the leaks when first disclosed, but he had no problem with leaked emails he obtained about funding and provided to the CRU gang.<br /> <br /> Of course, they were bringing in massive amounts of funding and that apparently bought Davis’s support. I watched funding create disturbing behavior and biases throughout academia.<br /> <br /> No wonder the CRU gang ignored Gore. He took their false work and falsified it some more. Of course, they couldn’t denounce him because they might expose their own corruption. Together they<br /> achieved only one success by disproving the adage that there is honor among thieves.<br /> <br /> Posted in Al Gore, Global Climate Treaty, Global Hoax, Global Warming, Gore, Gore hypocracy, Hollywood green celebs, democrats and global Warming, global warming cabal, global warning hoax. 1<br /> Comment »<br /> Al Gore’s weird, disconnected op-ed on climate change<br /> February 28, 2010 — budsimmons<br /> Al Gore’s weird, disconnected op-ed on climate change<br /> Rick Moran<br /> <br /> Reading this New York Times op-ed by Al Gore gives you the distinct impression that he has been off somewhere communing with the global warming gods and hasn’t been paying attention to the collapse<br /> of his “overwhelming consensus” on climate change:<br /> It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to<br /> protect human civilization as we know it.<br /> <br /> Of course, we would still need to deal with the national security risks of our growing dependence on a global oil market dominated by dwindling reserves in the most unstable region of the world,<br /> and the economic risks of sending hundreds of billions of dollars a year overseas in return for that oil. And we would still trail China in the race to develop smart grids, fast trains, solar<br /> power, wind, geothermal and other renewable sources of energy – the most important sources of new jobs in the 21st century.But what a burden would be lifted! We would no longer have to worry that<br /> our grandchildren would one day look back on us as a criminal generation that had selfishly and blithely ignored clear warnings that their fate was in our hands. We could instead celebrate the<br /> naysayers who had doggedly persisted in proving that every major National Academy of Sciences report on climate change had simply made a huge mistake.<br /> <br /> A “criminal generation?” This from a Democrat whose global warming “fixes” would bankrupt the western world.<br /> <br /> But the real problem with this little essay is that Gore is taking the now familiar tack of climate change advocates and tut-tutting about the series of revelations that have undermined the science<br /> he so confidently – and with the fervor of a religious zealot – believes in.<br /> <br /> Weirdly, he mischaracterizes the document dump from East Anglia as an effort by Jones and Mann to push back against the “onslaught of hostile, make-work demands from climate skeptics.” These “make<br /> work” demands were citizens seeking confirmation of the science via Freedom of Information laws. In other words, Gore obviously believes we should sit down, shut up, and let him and his buddies<br /> reach into our pockets and remove trillions of dollars without demanding proof of the scientific basis for his power grab.<br /> <br /> How very democratic of him.<br /> <br /> This is an extraordinarily weak and idiotic defense. Poor wittle Jones and Mann. Let us weep for their workload. Let us gnash our teeth at the meanies who put them under so much pressure, that they<br /> felt they had not choice but to lie, cheat, cook the books, ruin the careers of fellow scientists who didn’t agree with them, and pressure formerly respected science publications to toe the company<br /> line on climate change.<br /> <br /> What a crock.<br /> <br /> Gore evidently hasn’t read the recent literature:<br /> <br /> It is also worth noting that the panel’s scientists – acting in good faith on the best information then available to them – probably underestimated the range of sea-level rise in this century,<br /> <br /> Doesn’t he mean “overestimated?”<br /> <br /> Scientists have been forced to withdraw a study on projected sea level rise due to global warming after finding mistakes that undermined the findings.The study, published in 2009 in Nature<br /> Geoscience, one of the top journals in its field, confirmed the conclusions of the 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). It used data over the last 22,000 years to<br /> predict that sea level would rise by between 7cm and 82cm by the end of the century.<br /> <br /> [...]<br /> <br /> Siddall said that he did not know whether the retracted paper’s estimate of sea level rise was an overestimate or an underestimat<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> Bravo belle conclusion de fin et je suis tout à fait d'accord c'est inévitable...Moi qui me demandais pk Israêl fon autant de bourde en ce moment misère... Bne chance et continue !<br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> <br /> merci et bien ce que je tiens a dire c'est que les sérial killer font toujours des fautes quand ils deviennent sûr d'eux enfin la vériter est en face de nous<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
<br /> UPDATED: Were US Special Forces Involved in the Arrest of Faisal Shahzad?<br /> Jeremy Scahill<br /> May 4, 2010<br /> |<br /> Share<br /> 485<br /> ||<br /> Recommended by 2<br /> |<br /> Text Size A | A | A<br /> Email|Print|Share|Single Page|Web Letter (0)|Write a Letter|Take Action|Subscribe Now<br /> Reports are emerging suggesting that secret US military intelligence aircraft were used to find and locate Faisal Shahzad, the man accused of attempting to set off a crude car bomb in Times Square.<br /> The CBS affiliate in New York reported today: "In the end, it was secret Army intelligence planes that did him in. Armed with his cell phone number, they circled the skies over the New York area,<br /> intercepting a call to Emirates Airlines reservations, before scrambling to catch him at John F. Kennedy International Airport." The post at 5:34 PM was titled "Army Intelligence Planes Led To<br /> Suspect's Arrest." But then at 6:21 PM, the article's title was changed to "Total Time Of Investigation: 53 Hours, 20 Minutes: Faisal Shahzad In Custody After Nearly Fleeing United States." As<br /> Rayne observed on FireDogLake, the paragraph about the Army planes was deleted from the CBS story. Screenshot of the original post here.<br /> <br /> Related Content<br /> Monday Daybook: Reactions to Israeli Attack on Relief Flotilla<br /> My TV Debate with Ed Koch About Israel's Gaza Flotilla Massacre<br /> Arkansas's Lincoln Wins Premier Democratic Primary<br /> Is Blackwater's Erik Prince Moving to the United Arab Emirates?<br /> And the Winner is... Bill Clinton<br /> About the Author<br /> <br /> Jeremy Scahill<br /> Jeremy Scahill, a Puffin Foundation Writing Fellow at The Nation Institute, is the author of the bestselling Blackwater...<br /> Also by The Author [ Click for More ]<br /> Obama Admin Keeping Blackwater Armed and Dangerous in Afghanistan (Foreign Policy, Blackwater)<br /> Indictments, investigations and scandals have not stopped the State Department from giving Blackwater another $120 million contract for "diplomatic security" in Afghanistan.<br /> <br /> Jeremy Scahill<br /> 1 comment<br /> Is Blackwater's Erik Prince Moving to the United Arab Emirates? (Foreign Policy, Blackwater)<br /> With Blackwater's top deputies indicted on federal charges and the company up for sale, rumors are swirling that Prince is preparing to bolt to a country with no extradition treaty with the US.<br /> <br /> Jeremy Scahill<br /> 14 comments<br /> Related Topics<br /> Arrest CBS Company Location Emirates Airlines Faisal Shahzad Kennedy International Airport New York Person Career Technology US Special Forces army cellular telephone<br /> A US Special Operations Force source told me that the planes were likely RC-12s equipped with a Guardrail Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) system that, as the plane flies overland "sucks up" digital<br /> and electronic communications. "Think of them as manned drones. They're drones, but they have men sitting in them piloting them and they can be networked together," said the source. "You have many<br /> of them--four, five, six of them--and they all act as a node and they scrape up everything, anything that's electronic and feed it back." The source added: "It sucks up everything. We've got these<br /> things in Jalalabad [Afghanistan]. We routinely fly these things over Khandahar. When I say everything, I mean BlueTooth would be effected, even the wave length that PlayStation controllers are on.<br /> They suck up everything. That's the point."<br /> <br /> Guardrail has been used for years by the US military. In recent years, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military has also used the "Constant Hawk" and "Highlighter" aerial sensor<br /> platforms. All of these programs have recently undergone a series of upgrades.<br /> <br /> So were US special forces involved with Shahzad's arrest?<br /> <br /> "My conjecture at the moment is that immediately after this went down and they knew that he was on the loose, parts of the domestic counter-terrorism operations that they had set up during the Bush<br /> administration were reactivated," says the Special Forces source. "They're compartmentalized. So they kicked into high gear and were supporting law enforcement. In some cases, law enforcement may<br /> not have even known that some of the signals intelligence was coming from covert military units."<br /> <br /> If true, that could mean that secretive programs such as "Power Geyser" or "Granite Shadow," remain in effect. These were the unclassified names for reportedly classified, compartmentalized<br /> programs under the Bush administration that allegedly gave US military special forces sweeping authority to operate on US soil in cases involving WMD incidents or terror attacks.<br /> <br /> "They sidestep Posse Comitatus," said the source.<br /> <br /> The Joint Special Operations Command, which was run by Gen. Stanley McChrystal from 2003-2008, is reportedly allowed to operate on US soil. That's a result of Presidential Decision Directive 25<br /> (PDD-25), an executive order drafted by President Clinton on May 3, 1994. The complete text remains classified, however, "The full text of PDD-25 is reported to exempt the Joint Special Operations<br /> Command from the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 18USC Sec.1385, PL86-70, Sec. 17[d]. which makes it illegal for military and law enforcement to exercise jointly," according to<br /> <br /> Among the questions raised by the apparently central role of US special forces in the arrest of Faisal Shahzad is this: To what extent are US Special Forces permitted to operate on US soil under<br /> President Obama?<br /> <br /> Also, Why did CBS scrub the initial mention of the involvement of Army Intelligence aircraft from its story?<br /> <br /> UPDATE: The big story today is how the FBI team tracking Faisal Shahzad in Connecticut allegedly lost track of him. According to reports, Shahzad actually made it onto the Emirates aircraft<br /> scheduled to fly to Dubai. As The New York Times reported:<br /> **<br /> "Though Mr. Shahzad was stopped before he could fly away, there were at least two significant lapses in the security response of the government and the airline that allowed him to come close to<br /> making his escape, officials of the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies said on Tuesday.<br /> <br /> First, an F.B.I. surveillance team that had found Mr. Shahzad in Connecticut lost track of him — it is not clear for how long — before he drove to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York,<br /> the officials said."<br /> **<br /> <br /> This is all entirely plausible. But what if that is not the entire story? At this point, this is just a thought, a possibility to ponder: It could be that the Feds lost track of Shahzad, but that<br /> other US forces, namely US military special operations forces (perhaps JSOC), were tracking him and waiting to see if he made any calls, met with any contacts, took any action while he was still a<br /> free man.<br /> <br /> Consider the confidence of Attorney General Eric Holder, who said bluntly: "I was never in any fear that we were in danger of losing him." Those could be the words of a man trying to downplay what<br /> could have been a major FBI failure that, in part, would have played badly for Holder. Or they could be the honest words of a man who knew it was all being taken care of and how.<br /> <br /> The official timeline of events released by the White House contains some interesting details that suggest US military special forces involvement. On Sunday at 3pm, according to the timeline,<br /> "Nicholas Rasmussen, Senior Director for Combating Terrorism Strategy, convenes an interagency meeting on this incident in the White House Situation Room." Rasmussen is a shadow figure. He cut his<br /> teeth in the Bush administration after 9/11 where he worked on the "dark side" as a director of the National Security Council's office of combating terrorism, putting him in regular proximity to<br /> Special Access Programs and other activites of which we dare not speak. To give context to Rasmussen's current job, one of his predecessors was Vice Admiral William McRaven, the current head of<br /> JSOC. "McRaven has managed to bridge both the civilian and military worlds," reported Newsweek. "While working at the National Security Council after 9/11, he was principal author of the White<br /> House strategy for combating terrorism."<br /> <br /> If the hunt for Shahzad was being run through the National Security Council, which it was, the commander of the Joint Task Force would report to the NSC, which would in turn report to either John<br /> Brennan, the Deputy National Security Adviser for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism or National Security Advisor Jim Jones, and then they would report to the President. From the White House<br /> timeline, Brennan seemed to be serving that function. And remember, Brennan also comes from the dark side.<br /> <br /> The point of all of this being that the story may not be as simple as the FBI losing Shahzad. One cog in the wheel may not have necessarily known what another was doing at any given time. It could<br /> be that there were forces at play in this operation whose involvement may not be a part of the story the White House wants divulged. Just a thought.<br /> <br /> <br />